The Alexandria West Special Collections is dedicated to the preservation of historically significant materials such as original documents, photos, recordings pertaining to all perennialist movements and to the works and spiritual quests of their founders. Our purpose is to maintain these records for the benefit of future generations of inquirers who seek to bring further light upon the movements and upon the efforts of their founders and pioneers..
1. Personae Perennis: A general collection of miscellaneous documents, letters, manuscripts and other documents concerning persons who were relevant to or influential in the various perennialist efforts. The collection includes a growing number of files of individuals who were leaders or played a prominent part in one or another perennialist organization
2.Organizational Perennis: Collected documents concerning perennialist organizations. Most of the documents in this collection pertain to the Modern Theosophical Movement.<
3. Geoffrey A. Barborka Archival Collection. Geoffrey A. Barborka (1897-1982) grew up at the Theosophical community at Point Loma, California where he is remembered as the person who reset the type of the entirety of H.P. Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine and further, designed the first Sanskrit typeface for the Mergenthaler Company’s linotype machines. After leaving Point Loma, he began writing his own works on Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, The Bhagavad Gita and a Sanskrit Glossary. He spent his adult life working in cooperation with the various Theosophical organizations. The collection contains an estimated 10,000 documents.
4. Victor A. Endersby Archival Collection.> Victor A. Endersby (1891-1987) spent his childhood in the remote area now known as the Glacer National Park where his neighbor was the pioneer, Kootenay Brown. The dramatic landscape inspired in the young Victor an awe for its sublime beauty and a fascination in geology which led him into the field of engineering during his working years. He is remembered as the chief engineer of the end end of the Oakland Bay Bridge, which has recently been dismantled and replaced. While in his twenties, he investigated the various Theosophical Organizations and befriended John Garrigues of the United Lodge Theosophist, There, he authored many of the Science and Theosophy articles for their magazine, Theosophy. Beginning in 1950, he founded his own independent journal, Theosophical Notes, which ran until about 1978. The collection contains an estimated 50,000 pages of documents.
5. The F. Pierce Spinks Collection. Francis Pierce Spinks (1900-1979) Grew up at the Theosophical Community at Point Loma, California. As an adult, he relocated to the San Francisco area where he participated in a branch lodge of the Point Loma group until about 1950, when he published his own book, Theosophists Reunite, which called for the various Theosophical spinoffs to remerge with the Adyar Theosophical Society. The book was followed up with his magazine of the same name which kept the discussion alive.
6. The Point Loma Archives. The Point Loma Publication’s Library and archives was destroyed in the 2007 San Diego fire. However, Alexandria West had previously arranged to copy about 95% of the unpublished documents in the collection and selectively made copies of some of the very rare magazines and pamphlets. The scope of the materials focus on the Point Loma Theosophical Community from 1897 through about 1951, with additional material pertaining to Boris de Zirkoff’s research in connection to his compilation of the Blavatsky Collected Writings. Also included are the papers of Henry T. Edge, and papers pertaining to the Point Loma Community’s day to day operation. There is also documentation and correspondence concerning the various factions that arose in the community after G. de Purucker’s death in 1942. The collections contains an estimated 50,000 pages of documents.
In order to better determine your specific needs, requests should include a brief description of your research objectives. If your research is for a graduate or post-graduate theses, include an abstract and confirmation of the project from the head of your committee.
Inquiries concerning donations of archival materials such as letters, personal records, photographs, memorabilia, books etc, may be addressed to:
Alexandria West
Att: Special Collections
325 North Broadway
Turlock, CA. 95380
Or e-mail:
Reproduction or publication of any materials must give credit in the following manner: From Alexandria West Special Collections, by permission.
Some documents, because of copyright restrictions, special arrangements with the surviving families etc., may not be available for reproduction and/or publication.
Photocopying: $60.00 per hour plus $2.50 per copy.
Research: fees are on a per hour bases, based upon time and materials costs.